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The Madison Scouts Alumni Association (MSAA) serves as a representative body composed of Madison Scouts (MS) Alumni whose purpose is to foster comradery and directly support the Madison Scouts organization in reaching its goals. The Mission of the Madison Scouts Alumni Association is to:

  • Utilize the time, talent, and resources of Madison Scouts Alumni to build a stronger connection to the current and future corps
  • Enhance communication and events for Madison Scouts Alumni to connect both within and between generations of the Madison Scouts fraternity
  • Create an ongoing financial legacy that will ensure the long-term stability of the Madison Scouts organization

Association Calendar

 MSAA Monthly Meeting
 Feb 16, 2025:  07:00PM - 08:00PM
 MSAA Monthly Meeting
 Mar 16, 2025:  07:00PM - 08:00PM
 23rd Annual Rockin For A Cure
 Apr 12, 2025:  06:00PM - 11:59PM
 MSAA Monthly Meeting
 Apr 20, 2025:  07:00PM - 08:00PM

Join MSAA today!

chapter map

How? Simply sign-up at CorpsData.net. Enter and maintain your corps & contact information on a regular basis

Go to CorpsData

*Minimum requirement: one full year as a marching member of the Madison Scouts D & B Corps

MSAA Newsletter Sign-up

Receive the MSAA monthly newsletter appropriately called "The Fleur-de-lis" directly in your inbox. First, verify your info at CorpsData. See Join MSAA Today! Next, add your full name and email, and then click the Subscribe button to complete the process.

IMPORTANT: Please add the email address newsletter@madisonscoutsalumni.org to your address book to prevent our emails from going to your SPAM folder.