Request for Review and Approval of MSAA Bylaws Updates
The MSAA Board of Directors would like to present several updates to our association's bylaws, which have been carefully considered and drafted to improve the operations and governance of our organization. We request your participation in reviewing and voting to approve these changes.
The updated bylaws for review can be found the following link: Updated Bylaws for Review (
The proposed update includes many minor changes such as updates to formatting and verbiage, as well as more significant changes that impact operational procedures. The full list of changes can be found at the bottom of the document. Significant changes include:
- Updated and clarified Board elections process: We have refined the language regarding the election process to ensure that it is transparent and easily understood.
- Changed term length for Board Officers:Officers' terms will now extend to two years, allowing for greater continuity and long-term planning. Officer positions include Board Chair, Vice-Chair, Secretary, and Treasurer.
- Removed positional term limit for Board members: The previous restriction on Board of Directors members serving no more than six consecutive years in the same position has been removed to offer flexibility and operational continuity.
- Empowering MSAA to update bylaws in certain situations: If a member quorum is not met in the vote for a proposed bylaws update, the bylaws can now be approved by a majority vote of the current MSAA Board of Directors.
Your participation in this process is crucial. We encourage all members to review the proposed changes and cast your vote.
Voting for approval will be open through Tuesday, October 31st at 12:00 PM CT.
Cast your vote here: Google Vote Form
Reminder! To be a voting member of the MSAA you must have attended at least one MSAA meeting in the past 6 months and have your profile and contact information up to date in CorpsData.
If you have any immediate questions or concerns about the update, please do not hesitate to reach out to me at
Thanks for being a part of MSAA! YNWA
Sam Records, MSAA Board Chair