Thanks to everybody who joined us at our Member Meeting on Sunday, October 27th, either via Zoom or Facebook Live! And thank you to everybody who stuck through our "technical difficulties" at the beginning.
Here's a quick recap of all we talked about:
Join the MSAA Board of Directors
We're currently accepting applications to join the 2025 MSAA board of directors! If you are interested in contributing your skills and knowledge to further the mission of the MSAA, please fill out the application by November 1st. Candidates must be active members of the MSAA in good standing and have their complete information in Corps Data. Apply Now
Madison Scouts Hall of Fame
Nominations for 2025 class are now open! Please submit your nomination by 5:00 pm on December 31st to be considered for the upcoming year. Nomination Form
Legacy Shirts
For the last few years we've let you vote on which legacy shirt we should bring back. This year YOU design the shirt! Show us what shirt you think we should produce, and we'll pick the best one! Submit a reproduction of an old shirt, or make a completely new design. It's all up to you. Submit a Design
MSAA events in 2025
We're expanding our list of events next Summer! We'll be hosting tailgates at Drums on Parade, San Antonio, Allentown, Indianapolis, and more! We also want to take on more opportunities to feed the corps. Our events are great ways to stay connected with the Madison Scouts and meet alumni from all eras. Stay tuned for more info.
Madison Alumni Corps at Rose Parade 2027
We didn't get accepted to perform at the 2026 Rose Parade, but we're reapplying for the 2027 Rose Parade! This group is open to all Madison-based drum corps organizations, including: current members of the Madison Scouts and alumni from the Madison Scouts & Junior Scouts, Capitolaires & Petites, Capital Sound, South Wind (under MDBCA), and State Street Review. Registration is open now! Get more details about the Madison Alumni Corps
Rockin' for a Cure
Rockin' for ALS returns on April 12th, 2025! This live music event supports ALS patients in Wisconsin and is brought to you by Alumni and Friends of the Madison Scouts. The event will again feature the Madison Scouts All-Star Alumni Brass Ensemble. Get more info at
Champions Dinner
Join performers, staff, and volunteers to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the 1975 DCI Championship, on June 27th, 2025. Get more Info