Welcome to the Madison Scouts Alumni Association

Rejuvenated in 2018, the MSAA serves as a representative body of Madison Scouts alumni whose purpose is to foster camaraderie and directly support the Madison Scouts organization. Please join us in our goal to connect, organize, and engage alumni and current members to build lifelong connections supporting the Madison Scouts.

How to Join:

  1. Make sure you meet the criteria to be a member of the MSAA. Criteria include...
    • You must be a former member of the Madison Scouts.
    • You must be in good standing with the corps (e.g., no outstanding payments or broken contracts).
    • You must be "aged out." It is not required where or if your age out the season was performed.
    • Membership is also open to individuals who earned a performer spot with the Madison Scouts and met their financial obligations to the corps. However, they could not complete an entire performance season due to extenuating circumstances (e.g., injury).
  2. Provide contact information to the MSAA for the sole purpose of communication. You can do this via...
    • Create a profile on CorpsData.net with up-to-date contact information and marching history. Make sure you select Madison Scouts as the corps. Log in to CorpsData or create a new profile here.
    • If you don't use CorpsData, you can provide us with your corps history and contact info by filling out this form so we can add it to CorpsData for you.
  3. There is no fee required to become a member of the MSAA, though we encourage you to donate yearly to the Madison Scouts and Forward Performing Arts to help keep our legacy fiscally healthy.

Become a Voting Member:

  1. Make sure you've completed the above steps.
  2. Attend one of our monthly meetings. You must have attended a meeting within the last 6 months to be eligible to vote.
    • Our monthly meetings are generally held on the third Sunday of the month from 7 PM - 8 PM Central Time via Zoom.
    • Please contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. if you would like to receive a Zoom invitation to attend any meeting. We welcome all alumni to join us.

Get Connected:

  1. Like our Facebook Page!
  2. Join our Facebook Group!
    • Note: You must answer all membership questions and agree to the group rules to join. If any field isn’t responded to, your request will be denied.
  3. Join a Local Chapter!
    • Note: Before joining a chapter, you must be a member of the primary Facebook Group.

Association Calendar

 MSAA Monthly Meeting
 Feb 16, 2025:  07:00PM - 08:00PM
 MSAA Monthly Meeting
 Mar 16, 2025:  07:00PM - 08:00PM
 23rd Annual Rockin For A Cure
 Apr 12, 2025:  06:00PM - 11:59PM
 MSAA Monthly Meeting
 Apr 20, 2025:  07:00PM - 08:00PM

Join MSAA today!

chapter map

How? Simply sign-up at CorpsData.net. Enter and maintain your corps & contact information on a regular basis

Go to CorpsData

*Minimum requirement: one full year as a marching member of the Madison Scouts D & B Corps

MSAA Newsletter Sign-up

Receive the MSAA monthly newsletter appropriately called "The Fleur-de-lis" directly in your inbox. First, verify your info at CorpsData. See Join MSAA Today! Next, add your full name and email, and then click the Subscribe button to complete the process.

IMPORTANT: Please add the email address newsletter@madisonscoutsalumni.org to your address book to prevent our emails from going to your SPAM folder.